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kahani is a print magazine for girls by girls from around the world, designed to inform, elevate and inspire. Meant for 12-to-18 year old girls, kahani features stories from girls who live in a range of communities, cultures, and countries.
So far, girls have shared their stories in Our Preview Issue, Our Period Issue, Our Planet Issue and Our Emotions Issue. Our latest issue – featuring stories about freedom by girls of color in the United States – just came out!
Now, we’re looking for stories from girls all around the world to be featured in an upcoming issue covering the same theme:
+ Our Global Freedom Issue: Exploring what freedom means to you
+ You Tell Us! Share a story on any topic that YOU like and think is important!
If you are excited to share a story about this theme – or anything else that inspires you – we would love to hear from you! Submit your story via this online form.
We believe that investing in girls and lifting up their stories will inspire countless others around the world.
We’re looking for any of the following, submitted by girls 12-18:
+ Writing: Narrative essays told from your perspective, fictional stories, poetry, interviews with other girls, or reporting and/or opinions on issues that matter in your community
+ Photography: Photo essays that document your home, community, or friends and classmates that illustrate a particular theme, like mental health or leadership
+ Artwork: Drawings, paintings, illustrations, or collage art that can be photographed or scanned
+ Advice columns: Share advice about relationships, school, or other topics by fielding and responding to questions from other girls around the world—we can work with you on this!
+ Games & Puzzles: Crosswords, word searches or other games, inspired by what you would like to share with girls about any topic
The following are questions to inspire your submission. These are simply suggestions! Feel free to share any story you wish, on our theme of freedom or on another topic of your choice!
Our Freedom Issue
+ What does freedom mean to you? Who has it? Who does not have it? Who should have it?
+ Share a moment when you either lost your freedom or gained it.
+ What would it look like if more people had freedom? What would it look like if more people lost their freedom?
+ What does universal freedom look like to you?
Remember, you can write about our theme or about anything else you like! We just want to hear YOUR story from YOU!
+ First, you will need to provide some basic information about yourself – name, age, country, town, language, contact information – in order to complete the kahani submission form. Please have this information ready!
+ We welcome submissions in languages other than English. If possible, please submit your contribution in your native language, along with an English translation. If you prefer to submit in your native language only, that is okay—we will work to create an English translation with you!
+ When you are ready, please use this online form to submit your contribution. If you need assistance with submitting, please contact us over email at
To be considered for Our Global Freedom Issue, please submit your story no later than March 31, 2024.
If you have questions about how to contribute to our magazine, please reach out to kahani over email at When you are ready to submit your piece(s), please use this online form. If you have trouble with the form, do reach out to us over email.
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